
Welcome to Tintagel Primary School

Tintagel Primary School & Nursery is a vibrant, happy school where learning is brought to life through rich, memorable experiences and a strong sense of innovation. We seek out inspiration for ourselves and for our children, and we believe that creative thinking is a powerful catalyst for curiosity, wonder and personal challenge.

Our children bring learning alive with their voices, their unique personalities and a wealth of individual talent. Of course, our core purpose is to ensure that our children feel secure and confident so that they are able to strive for multiple excellences in small ways throughout every day. We want them to find delight in their learning, to be open-minded and we hope to be the catalyst which opens doors to all that the world has to offer.

This website will offer you a glimpse of how we shape learning – it is a window on the world but equally a mirror we hold up to the children in celebration of what it means to achieve.

Mrs Kirkman / Head of School

Tintagel Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Tintagel Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025